Custom Lasik Can Change the Way You See
If you are looking for the world’s most advanced form of LASIK, then you will be looking for CustomLASIK. This particular form of LASIK was designed specifically for people suffering from farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatisms. This corrective procedure uses the FDA approved CustomVue system. With the use of lasers guided by WavePrint, the laser does a detailed mapping of the eye, pointing out the specific needs for correction for each eye it scans. This CustomLASIK method has the ability to improve vision far beyond what glasses or even contacts can do.
The heart and soul of CustomLASIK is the WavePrint technology. As stated earlier, WavePrint maps the eye for correction, but how it does this is by gauging the variations of how the light from the laser is focused when scanning the eye. This diagnostic information is relayed to the VISX STAR S4 laser, allowing for a completely individual and custom Lasik procedure to be performed.
WavePrint can improve accurate measurements for improving sight up to 25 times that of traditional glasses or contacts, but the improvements don’t stop there. WavePrint can also detect surface issues with the eye that had previously gone unnoticed and left untreated.
As one of the first LASIK centers to offer CustomLASIK nationwide, we can offer fellow LASIK surgeons in the NYC area to be able to better identify and treat patients with eyesight issues on an individual level. The fact is more people are coming out of CustomLASIK treatments with marked vision improvements due to its precise and specific treatment as to each individual’s personal eyesight issues.
These are some benefits that CustomLASIK can offer you in comparison with traditional LASIK.
• Improved chances of having 20/20 vision
• A better chance of having eyesight better than 20/20
• A better visual quality and contrast perception than that of traditional LASIK
• Better night vision
• Better night vision with corrective lenses
• The likelihood of better vision than that provided by contacts or glasses
In the past, technology used for correcting the eyes only treated low order issues with the eye. However, with CustomLASIK and its Wavefront diagnostic technology, both low as well as high end issues can be corrected. This is why eyesight after Custom LASIK could potentially be better than that of glasses or contact lenses.
If you are interested in CutomLASIK, you should make a consultation appointment with a LASIK surgeon. They will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Will I be guaranteed prefect vision after a CustomLASIK procedure?
While most patients will have better vision from this treatment than any other procedure, there is no guarantee of perfect vision. The technology continues to get better and the technology used in CustomLASIK represents a vast improvement over standard LASIK. With the Wavefront technology, the WavePrint mapping system and the accuracy of the VISX STAR S4 laser, your eyes have a much better chance at improving. However, at the least, you should expect improved vision.
How will CustomLASIK improve my night vision?
To gauge the difference in night vision before LASIK and after LASIK the FDA conducted a study of 351 LASIK treated eyes. Of those patients taking part in the study, more people were either satisfied or extremely satisfied with the night vision they had after their procedure as opposed to before the treatment. Also, fewer people where unhappy with their night vision following their LASIK procedure.
What this means is that the numbers show that CustomLASIK provides people with better night vision after the treatment then they had before by using corrective items like glasses and contact lenses.
NY / NJ Lasik